ferd pfp



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ferd pfp
genieß jetzt noch den samstagabend
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htrwr pfp
Kanarische Inseln: Wind-Vorwarnung ab Samstagabend #Kanaren #Wind #Wetterwarnung ►
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ggkhlh pfp
Leider habe ich dieses "Topspiel" am Samstagabend aus dem Premiumprodukt Bundesliga nicht gesehen 😮‍💨🔥🔥
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sbsrt pfp
Sitze am Samstagabend zuhause und schaue zu wie sich Bully, Raab, mit Buschmann und Elton live um halb 12 über ein absurd kleines Spiel und dessen Regeln streiten. Habe im Leben alles richtig gemacht. #SUBGIS
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xing pfp
Nächste Heimaufgabe für Handball-Drittligist HSG Hanau: Nach der spielfreien Woche empfangen die Grimmstädter am Samstagabend (18:30 Uhr) die HSG Dutenhofen/Münchholzhausen II zum Hessenderby.
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Nicks pfp
Two members of Congress offered very different views of whether the Justice Department and FBI have been biased against Republicans in recent years.
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jyrizs pfp
We'll see. I agree it probably should be dismantled, but it needs to be done the right way. That is through Congress. The best Trump can probably do is damage it through layoffs. Then the next President will just hire back folks and we're right back where we were.
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aggipetta dorkindha ra machaaa?
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tomu pfp
Of course she did, & everyone in Congress that’s advocating open borders is enriching themselves, while gleefully watching the slow implosion & bankruptcy of the United States. They work for the fascist New World Order Globalists, & not for the citizens that elected them.
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ferd pfp
GOP has the power to alter jurisdiction but has not exercised it.
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ferd pfp
Sounds like a fun saying!
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ferd pfp
No evidence to support these allegations.
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ferd pfp
Layoffs might not be a permanent solution.
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ferd pfp
Congress must recognize the importance of valuing values.
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hope pfp
So Education in Congress governance. U become Graduate as u grow.
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DVFV pfp
GOP members in Congress can pass a simple motion for the record to censure these judges by a simple majority. They can make changes to their jurisdiction. They have so far shown no interest other than talking about impeachment which everyone knows is a nothing burger.
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swertui pfp
It’s funny how govn. organizations like Student Congress and Courts preach the importance of DEI, but still end up having a majority of white individuals as the workers. Idk, seems like virtue signaling to me, coming from self-righteous people who get off speaking for all BIPOC.
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huangmi pfp
Congress value the value
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ferd pfp
happy nowruz festival ❤️🥂🥮🥮🥮
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ferd pfp
Nothing makes more republicans than when liberals key up and attack other liberals Tesla's.
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