Gary Basin pfp

Gary Basin


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Gary Basin pfp
Gary Basin
The Krugman thing is satire but it wouldn’t surprise me if current era AI doesn’t have big GDP impact until 2030+. It feels like 1997 right now, with some use cases but lack of reliability and depth beneath the surface of flashy demos. The road to deployment is long and bumpy.
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Gary Basin pfp
Gary Basin
The only way to stop a bad guy with an AI is a good guy with an AI. We must equip Donnie with our finest in matmul technologies
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Gary Basin pfp
Gary Basin
Anyone know why Assure is shutting down? Suspicious
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Gary Basin pfp
Gary Basin
My fintech's secret sauce is not quite tradfi and not quite crypto. We create an environment which provides blockchain-like guarantees for data storage and smart contract execution, but it's not quite decentralized or open. What do we call this paradigm? Almost like a web2.5?
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