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Mary 🎩 🌈 🔵
Astrological analysis of the Degen coin 1. Natal chart of Degen * Sun in Capricorn: Indicates stability, commitment to structures and long-term goals. This is a strong position for a coin that focuses on stable development and real value. * Mercury in Sagittarius: Gives the coin ambition and global orientation. The project may strive for international popularity and active implementation, but the approach may be somewhat idealistic. * Moon in Scorpio: Symbolizes a deep connection with transformations and high volatility. The emotional perception of the coin by investors can be dramatic, with strong fluctuations in confidence. 2. Important aspects in the natal chart of the coin * Uranus in Taurus: The planet of revolution as a sign of money and resources. This emphasizes the coin's connection with progressive financial technologies and its potential for breakthrough changes in the market. A more detailed analysis and forecast can be found at this link 👇 Https://
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It’s very interesting 🤔 100 $DEGEN
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$DEGEN Tip Bot
✅ 100 tipped ∙ 24 remaining 100 / 124 (81%) 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧⬜⬜
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