franco pfp



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franco pfp
I'm working on a contract that handles ERC20/721/1155 and looking for a guide on how to test interacting with this tokens. Currently just creating mocks of the ERC contracts but feels incomplete + not sure if doing it correctly. Any pointers?
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franco pfp
/books used to be my favorite channel. No longer enjoying it at all. Part of the more objective problem is spam, but the other more subjective problem is that it lost the feeling of being a community. Thinking of doing a different books channel with more like minded people
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franco pfp
Anyone else accidentally sending warps while scrolling through their feed? It’s happened a couple of times to me
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franco pfp
class (hom ~ Hom) => Composed (hom :: k -> k -> *) | k -> hom where
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franco pfp
Habemus channel de guate en farcaster @cush.eth @dnznjuan
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franco pfp
lol i do hoard
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franco pfp
My wife and I started dedicating time to reading out loud tidbits or parts of books we’re currently reading. And Ive noticed I’m way more emotional when reading out loud. I almost cried right now when I read Neal Stephenson’s introduction to David Foster Wallace’s “Everything and More”
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franco pfp
Whats the best recorded solidity 101 workshop you’ve seen? Doing one this weekend and looking for some pedagogical inspiration
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franco pfp
50 pages into “Quicksilver” by Neal Stephenson and enjoying it a ton. Add all the wikipedia entries Ive read because of all the historical references
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franco pfp
Narcos spotted on my way to the beach 🏝️ its crazy how this has gotten worse in recent years
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franco pfp
I was NOT prepared for the ending of the Berserk anime (1997)! I had no idea what the anime or manga were about. Now I need to read the manga!
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franco pfp
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franco pfp
Whats the biggest difference you’ve noticed between claude and chatgpt? In general but if you have experience developing specifically with claude 2 and ChatGPT 3.5
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franco pfp
Anyone know where I can get a PDF of the Ethereum book? From what I understand, it is permissible to share PDFs of the book (CC-BY-SA license), the authors just don't make it available themselves.
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franco pfp
It finally got here! It was opened by the PO box service (as expected). What would be the best way to make sure they didn’t tamper with it? I dont expect they did anything fancy but something like turning it on and copying the wallet seed phrase
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franco pfp
Doing cursed things with to make up for the fact that I don’t know frontend stuff
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franco pfp
One of my book goals this year is to read some good physics books to understand quantum mechanics if only to re-read “The Beginning of Infinity” and actually understand that chapter.
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franco pfp
best way to onboard an experienced dev (not senior) to ethereum/solidity? I did crypto zombies way back but imagine there are better resources now?
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franco pfp
Finished delta-v yesterday. Anyone read Critical Mass? I read some bar reviews but then noticed they all complained about blockchain stuff being used as a plot device. Now Im very intrigued.
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franco pfp
If I could share one of the recent @dwr.eth podcast appearances on farcaster, frames and long term vision with a fellow dev who is sold on crypto but not on farcaster, which one would it be? Leaning towards Empire episode with @antonio or lightspeed @0xmert
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