polynya pfp
By now I'm sure many of you are tired of hearing me moan about how this industry is obsessed with blind hopium, especially around infra tokens, while completely neglecting what actually matters and reality So might as well just say my piece https://polynya.mirror.xyz/e54yv9c2im2Fy72jxbA2qKfCvWxjAaMnQUbp5YDqaEY
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Fractal Visions🎩🌱 pfp
Fractal Visions🎩🌱
It’s the truth !!! Hard pills 💊 to swallow for many. The responsibility to fund what matters most could be part of what gets you special privileges in the long run. Most are here for fame or short term gains. The real shift in the narrative happens from setting a positive example for others to follow. Pray. 🙏
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