First Rain
✨Developer's Journal ✨ Current progress becoming a Fullstack-Engineer: 15% It's been 2 months since I've posted the first update of my humble try to become a dev. Unfortunately I could only add 4% to the progress bar in that time due to several reasons. But I've finished the first part of this journey successfully with a score of 79% in the theory part of the "exam", and 100% in the practical part. There have been a few weeks between finishing the courses, and taking that exam - and I honestly didn't think I'd pass. ^^' But what these results are showing once again is the fact that I'm a practical learner - with learning by doing I've always learned more and faster than in any class. Yes, I can memorize stuff for a certain amount of time for tests and such nonsense. But a real understanding of things only comes with practice for me. Anyway, I'm back on this journey again, and I'm looking forward to learn how to build interactive websites as next step!
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First Rain
⏩Web Development Foundations: 100% ⏩Building Interactive Websites: 3% ⏩Front-End Development: ❌ ⏩Back-End Development: ❌ ⏩Full-Stack Development: ❌
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