fΞllΞnz pfp



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fΞllΞnz pfp
Definitely needs more votes - the reason is for the project to be qualified as “Curated”… it’s important for as many individuals to vote!
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EZinCrypto pfp
Please my friends, I don’t ask for much often, but I could really use a hand!!🤝 If you can go to my /artizen link (below) & click that little vote button (a bunch of times) for the Impact Concerts, it would mean the world to me!!!🙏😎 Didn’t know I need so many vote clicks😅 https://artizen.fund/index/p/impact-concerts?season=5
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EZinCrypto pfp
I WANT YOU!!!🎩 Even if you just come to enjoy the live music, and amazing speakers, that can truly make a difference!!💪 If you give even $1, the magic of quadratic funding will multiply it, and if you can give $5 your also entered into a massive @giveth raffle giveaway!!🤑 Also if you spread $1 donations across multiple projects (or even better yet) $5 across multiple projects you are making a MASSIVE impact across the whole of GIVETHs SocialGood space!!🙌 Together we can make a difference!!!🤙 Just come have fun with us listening. To best live music, get some safety tips & tools, plus RSVP on @luma to enter our Prize Wheel of Hope!!!🥳 Do you remember the ethos of the early days… let’s HODL that vibe, & truly change the way we approach funding projects, that would not even see the light of day before Web3!!!😎✌️ Easy 1 click RSVP and info @luma ⬇️ https://lu.ma/zyl9obwz
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fΞllΞnz pfp
@ezincrypto and team are stepping it up bringing new guests to the ‘Corner - EZ’s Corner - featured on the @tokensmart Discord Stage and streaming across multiple platforms… excited to connect with @ronindacollector (@ronindacc on X)!!
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fΞllΞnz pfp
Frens and communities if FarCast/WarpCast lands… join us for a @farhouse Friday event tonight at 4pm PST / 7pm EST! Going to be a banger of an Audio Room at @farhouse Friday tonight!✊ We have @hurric4n3ike from Wave Warz droppin BARS, big updates for the #ImpactConcert, dope alpha on upcoming meme coin hot spot… and of course covering #web3security & safety!!!😎💪 USE THIS INVITE CODE: ywi047 https://mobile.farhouse.club/s/ezincrypto/3084
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fΞllΞnz pfp
@@hurric4n3ike chatting up #wavewarz! Tonight
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EZinCrypto pfp
It’s been an amazing (and crazy) couple weeks… Super excited with all the positive movement, was able to qualify for the community improvement /flows and have already hosted 2 really fun @farhouse Friday shows with some very /nouns ‘ish vibes!😎 I had Mike Swift on EZ’s Corner on Monday, and it was an amazing life story full of social impact, come to the concert to hear from him…🫡 Also @joseacabrerav @koh and myself are working hard on the upcoming Impact Concert, where we highlight projects in the current @giveth quadratic funding round interspersed with epic live music, giveaways, and a focus on web3 safety/security practices!!!💪 Huge shout out to @handprotocol !!!🙌
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José Cabrera 🍄🦈🐝 pfp
José Cabrera 🍄🦈🐝
having a great space to get to know mike swift and his web3 and life inspiring journey, tunes comin in some minutes and we have some great artist to perform for you @arepa @fellenz and more!! we're also promoting the impact concert trough this initiative and we're a collision of different flow projects getting together! we're also going to count with @duodomusica for the concert (: more to come, this is #buildinpublic
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EZinCrypto pfp
3 hours till @farhouse Friday show #2, with amazing co hosts @joseacabrerav & @fellenz featuring special guests from the music ZAO @zaal and @hurric4n3ike!!!😎🤙 Come join us for great convo’s, live music, and plenty of /nouns ish vibes!!! Also announcing the big upcoming Impact Concert where the music and donations @flows into @giveth & @octant vetted social good projects!!!😉🤑 4pst 7est App invite code: ywi047 Join in to listen: https://mobile.farhouse.club/s/ezincrypto/3076
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niftytime pfp
WIP starts in 5 minutes at 12 pm PT We got some soulbound alpha coming from @felixfelixfelix on Cypherdudes and a project that's new on my radar called Post Morten by @tetonotsorry Jump in discord.gg/memeexplorers to join in 👊
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fΞllΞnz pfp
Checking this process out while enjoying a friend's very cool art! https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/532316400
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José Cabrera 🍄🦈🐝 pfp
José Cabrera 🍄🦈🐝
See you this Friday at @farhouse for our new Friday Regular Show with @ezincrypto and @fellenz Live Music + Web3 Alpha (: 4pst 7est App invite code: ywi047 Join in to listen:https://farhouse.club/
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fΞllΞnz pfp
Just joined the Hand Protocol guild. Continuing my brave quest to explore all corners of web3! guild.xyz/hand 🚀 👨‍🚀
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EZinCrypto pfp
Hosting Farhouse Friday with @joseacabrerav & @fellenz , it’s our second weekly audio show, & a great way to wind down that madness before the weekend!!😎✌️ Chill to epic live music inbetween wide ranging genuine web3 convos with Nounish vibes, your welcome to join at @farhouse !!!🔥🔥🔥 4pst 7est App invite code: ywi047 Join in to listen: https://mobile.farhouse.club/s/ezincrypto/3073
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EZinCrypto pfp
Hosting Audio Room at @farhouse. With @joseacabrerav and @fellenz come join the convo and HODL the vibes!!! App invite code: ywi047 Join in to listen: https://mobile.farhouse.club/s/ezincrypto/3068
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fΞllΞnz pfp
Breaking orbit from Monday's in @tokensmart ... @farhouse goes live for us with nary a hitch! We're about halfway through our chat and chill... Stop by!
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EZinCrypto pfp
Just scheduled my first @farhouse space for tonight with a couple great cohosts @joseacabrerav and @fellenz but I didn’t see where to share a link to invite peeps…
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fΞllΞnz pfp
Well, it was indeed EPIC! 😛
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Roustan pfp
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fΞllΞnz pfp
Is this world still live? Too fun when we first got to play in it! /?
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