Dhananjay Chirad  pfp

Dhananjay Chirad


263 Following

Pratik Sharma 🔵🧑‍🌾 pfp
Pratik Sharma 🔵🧑‍🌾
Claim $DEGEN Faucet On $DEGEN L3 https://frm.lol/frames/faucet
29 replies
133 recasts
71 reactions

Dhananjay Chirad  pfp
Dhananjay Chirad
0 reply
0 recast
0 reaction

Dhananjay Chirad  pfp
Dhananjay Chirad
I'm taking $onchain pill
0 reply
0 recast
0 reaction

Pratik Sharma 🔵🧑‍🌾 pfp
Pratik Sharma 🔵🧑‍🌾
25 replies
66 recasts
89 reactions

Pratik Sharma 🔵🧑‍🌾 pfp
Pratik Sharma 🔵🧑‍🌾
25 replies
123 recasts
143 reactions

Mark Carey 🎩🫂 pfp
Mark Carey 🎩🫂
degenfers (degen-EFF-ers) are mfers who have put on their top hats. They are /degen. They live on /base. 10,000+ unique PFPs minting via /farcaster Frame. This the first 10K PFP mint via Frame. 1 free (no gas) mint per user. Recast first. Be degen. https://degenfers.art/f.html
2330 replies
4530 recasts
4112 reactions

Base pfp
Cheaper, faster transactions make the world go round Lower gas fees are a critical step towards a new internet and a new economy Spin the globe to celebrate EIP-4844 and collect this moment https://base-is-for-everyone.vercel.app/?1
772 replies
1486 recasts
2459 reactions

Dhananjay Chirad  pfp
Dhananjay Chirad
0 reply
0 recast
0 reaction

puffdood 🫂⛩️😆🍖🎩 pfp
puffdood 🫂⛩️😆🍖🎩
Planning to launch end of the week. If you’re already followers of this channel, simply quote-cast with ⛩️ into /farc. Thanks for your early support. If you’re not a follower yet, why the farc not?! JK, JK, feel free to join. Early supporters will be rewarded.
1356 replies
407 recasts
794 reactions

Rainbow pfp
Spin to win up to 1000 points! Follow @rainbow to play! 🫂 🎰 https://spin.rainbow.me/
1548 replies
2921 recasts
3969 reactions

Rarible pfp
Become an OG. Claim your FREE mint. 1️⃣ - Recast this post 2️⃣ - Follow @rarible 3️⃣ - Claim your Rarible OG NFT Exclusively on Farcaster. https://farcaster.rarible.com/mints/RARI/0x2c57bD140e8E28a9A6aEd519c80510Db33cF4893?20
1603 replies
4327 recasts
3708 reactions

Own The Doge pfp
Own The Doge
Introducing our genesis frame 💫 recast & refresh to join our farcaster exclusive drop. https://frames.defenestronics.com/cgi-bin/ownthedoge
1557 replies
7822 recasts
6888 reactions

Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Anyone that likes this cast will get this commemorative NFT for free next week when I put it on @base with @zora. Any additional proceeds to /farcon scholarships.
2530 replies
2499 recasts
8662 reactions

Wildcard pfp
Wen Farcaster? RIGHT NOW We've got a surprise for the first 3000 people who go visit @playwildcard on @farcaster_xyz And remember... gas is on us https://wildfile.wildcardgame.com/api/mintFrame
765 replies
1534 recasts
1825 reactions

Highlight pfp
“We <3 the Frames” by @clauswilke, a collection of 1,000 AI-generated artworks in honor of Frames 🔀 Explore different iterations ✨ Mint a random variation, no gas required 🖼️ View the art by selecting “Check Reveal” Limit one per wallet https://highlight.xyz/mint/65caf5fb2dbded96dd39ea57?fcframe=1
238 replies
607 recasts
732 reactions

Drakula.app (on iPhone!) pfp
Drakula.app (on iPhone!)
Onchain scrolling is coming to @base. Drakula is bringing the world's most popular content type onchain: short-form videos. Mint on @base now to earn 250 🩸BLOOD, which will have future uses in our app. https://zora.co/collect/base:0xca3d25f9e5ffcdeb007c6744c995014736b522ab/1/frames
723 replies
1112 recasts
1372 reactions

Dhananjay Chirad  pfp
Dhananjay Chirad
0 reply
0 recast
0 reaction

PartyDAO pfp
Later today, PartyDAO is launching a brand new product – Party Rooms. Follow @partydao and join /party to mint the commemorative NFT. Turn on notifications to be the first to see the announcement. https://dropframe.xyz/mint/party-rooms-cNK6lZJcY8
832 replies
1753 recasts
2004 reactions

Dhananjay Chirad  pfp
Dhananjay Chirad
0 reply
0 recast
0 reaction

Lyra pfp
We're gifting LYRA to followers that GO GREEN 🟢 🟢 🟢 Make your profile pic green to be eligible. Snapshot in 48 hours. To go green: 1. Like this cast and follow @lyra.eth 2. Create a green pfp using the frame and upload to your profile 3. Verify with the "AM I GREEN?" tool https://lyra.finance/frame/pfp
5849 replies
4400 recasts
5557 reactions