Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp

Ethereum Validator 🎩


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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
🦁 🦁 🦁
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
@sassal.eth It is worth noting that non-custodial stakers using services like allnodes are generally a net positive for decentralization compared to custodial staking. Allnodes stakers for example pushed Allnodes to diversify their consensus and execution clients successfully under threat of moving their nodes.
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
@sassal.eth Just listened to episode 735 and your discussion on rated's solo staker list. I think that there's room for compromise here. Including non-custodial stakers using a service like blox on a separate list with lesser airdrop allocations could make sense. Starknet allocated to allnodes stakers for example.
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
oof, yah the gas fees even doing it once are rough 40 transactions is like 15-20$ at least. Apologies I should have more descriptive. If anyone else is reading, make sure to only do this once. It will come out to 20 separate transactions total.
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
back in my day coinbase gave away 10$ multiple times a year
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
If anyone needs more contract interactions for Zksync, Scroll or Linea you can get 20 unique contract interactions buy minting 20 nfts here. Just move the slider all the way to the right :) Ref link = Non ref link =
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
Aye, I casted a reply over there :)
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
Why not hold a signature campaign instead of telling people this after the fact? I'd gladly keep my hat on for a month or more for even 500,000 degen.
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
651 $DEGEN
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
Not rolling over daily allocation for the valentines drop is really frustrating. I got the allo, went to bed, and because of timezone difference wasn't able to give my degen allocation to anyone. I don't understand giving something that significant onchain than taking it away :(
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
1,000,651 $degen
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
Guilty as charged
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
Same exact experience $651 DEGEN
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
Hope I made it :)
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
Kind folks keep tipping me DEGEN tokens. How do I see them lol?
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
Brought together across the blockchain and across time <3
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Benido🎩 pfp
Need to update an important EIP. We need airdrops for solo stakers and for people rocking an EVM.
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
I'm in love with it, someone mentioned the ens was up for renewal in our discord a while ago. I've got ethereumvalidator.eth on mainnet too.
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
Friendtech was always ponzinomics
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Ethereum Validator 🎩 pfp
Ethereum Validator 🎩
The pride Rises under a purple moon
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