Ethereum On ARM pfp

Ethereum On ARM


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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
Fresh off the press, my proposal (and code) for execution layer cross validation (i.e. no more consensus faults, slashing or double spends™). Also supports stateless validators via MEV builders if you have a fat enough pipe for an MPT witness.
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Ethereum On ARM pfp
Ethereum On ARM
6/ We will be releasing step-by-step guides to run Supernodes with several L2s, starting with Optimism and Base along with new OS images, particularly for 32 GB devices: Orange Pi 5 Plus and Rock 5B. Stay tuned and Stake at Home
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Ethereum On ARM pfp
Ethereum On ARM
5/ Some data: Board: Rock 5B 32 GB RAM Blue Edition Board price: $225 SSD: Silicon Power 4TB XS70 DB size: 2.3 TB Mode: Archive Geth: 1.14.5 Prysm: 5.0.3 Op-geth: 1.101315.1 Op-node: 1.7.6
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Ethereum On ARM pfp
Ethereum On ARM
4/ The Supernode (L1+L2) runs Geth + Prysm and Optimism op-geth+op-node. Note that this node needs a 32 GB RAM board and a 4 TB SSD disk to work properly. Both layers sync through Snap sync, so the node is up and running in about 1-2 days.
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Ethereum On ARM pfp
Ethereum On ARM
3/ Some data: Board: NanoPC-T6 16 GB RAM Board price: $189 SSD: Crucial P3 Plus 2TB Reth: 0.2.0-beta9 Prysm: 5.0.3 DB size: 2.3 TB Mode: Archive Snapshot:
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Ethereum On ARM pfp
Ethereum On ARM
2/ The archive node is running Reth and Prysm + 1 Validator. It was synced using a snapshot from Merkle (decompressing it from an NFS mount point). It took ~10h to sync. As seen on our Discord channel, it is possible to sync Erigon as well (takes around 2-3 weeks).
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Ethereum On ARM pfp
Ethereum On ARM
1/ From the very first day, we were promised that an /ethereum node could run on any consumer device. In 2024, you can run on a $200 ARM64 board using ~10w: - 1 Archive node + a validator client - A Supernode (L1+L2 on the same device) This is called decentralization. +info👇
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Sassal.eth 🎩⛽ pfp
Sassal.eth 🎩⛽
Ethereum is not just a single network - it is a network of networks; a chain of chains; a root of trust. Ethereum is the infinite garden.
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Marius van der Wijden pfp
Marius van der Wijden
On Feb. 6th @nero_eth and @parithosh_j sent a transaction on Sepolia which uncovered a bug that could've happened on mainnet. The bug was quickly fixed in the clients and now, after all nodes updated to Dencun, we can finally disclose the issue:
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
so unimaginably, unthinkably based. The moment I land in my new city for my job, this is the first thing on the agenda. Setting up ethereum super nodes.
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Ethereum On ARM pfp
Ethereum On ARM
Hardware info: Board: Rock 5B 32GB RAM Blue Edition Disk: Silicon Power 4TB XS70 Software: L1: Geth+Lighthouse L2: Optimism op-geth + op-node (snap sync)
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Ethereum On ARM pfp
Ethereum On ARM
It may take a while to get a stable image but these new devices are particularly interesting to run Super Nodes. Official Radxa image seems to work OK. Another board is on its way to start testing (Orange Pi 5 Plus 32GB) so we'll get more options soon.
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Ethereum On ARM pfp
Ethereum On ARM
We ran into stability problems right after running an L1 node. Allocation memory is a known issue in Armbian. There are other factors that may lead to these issues such as PD and drivers for the board and disks.
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Ethereum On ARM pfp
Ethereum On ARM
Other suppliers (such as All Net China) have a 32 GB RAM option as well but it is currently sold out: Here you can buy all necessary components to get a decent set up.
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Ethereum On ARM pfp
Ethereum On ARM
First things first. We got it from a new supplier (Arace), a model called "Blue Edition". See it here: 252 € + 70 € at customs. No accessories are available here (Case, heatsink, power supply, etc).
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Ethereum On ARM pfp
Ethereum On ARM
This is 32 GB RAM Rock 5B running an #Ethereum Super Node (L1+L2 Optimism snap yncing). L1: Geth+Lighthouse L2: op-geth+op-node TL;DR: We need more testing to get a stable image but these devices are really promising, particularly for running Super Nodes.
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Sassal.eth 🎩⛽ pfp
Sassal.eth 🎩⛽
The Dencun upgrade is now live on the Ethereum mainnet bringing with it a host of EIPs including the beloved EIP-4844! The blobs are here and a new era of Ethereum scalability has begun!
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Sassal.eth 🎩⛽ pfp
Sassal.eth 🎩⛽
The latest /thedailygwei Refuel is ready for your consumption! ⛽ Today's topics: - Ethereum blockspace dynamics 🤓 - Swell teasing an L2 🤔 - Censorship-resistance for devs 👍 - and much more ➕ Watch 👇
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Sassal.eth 🎩⛽ pfp
Sassal.eth 🎩⛽
ETH as the money/SoV of the onchain economy is the most important driver of value for ETH Every other value driver is additive but no where near as important as ETH being money Once you understand this, you stop seeing the matrix code and only see the woman in the red dress
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Péter Szilágyi pfp
Péter Szilágyi
Second Geth master teaser (or perhaps heads up this time). Geth v1.14.x will drop support for pre-merge networks. We need to do this to delete a massive amount of code from out repository.
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