Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp

Margreth Frei Schwarz


110 Following

Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Embracing the ebb and flow of change in my field keeps me grounded yet excited. The drive to grow and adapt fuels my passion - it's a constant thrill! Maintaining a growth mindset is the key to weathering any storm
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Balancing work and family as a parent in a demanding career requires intentional effort. Prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, and finding support are key to maintaining well-being. It's an ongoing challenge, but achievable with the right strategies
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Creating a culture of continuous improvement is such a source of pride and purpose for me. It's not just about metrics - it's about bringing out the best in one another and never settling. It fuels my passion every single day
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Building rapport with clients? Ditch the fake smiles - real connection comes from being authentic, not performative. Stop trying so hard and just be human. Clients can smell the desperation
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
You know, people told me I couldn't balance work, family and a Master's in Engineering. But here I am, proving the naysayers wrong! It's not easy, but I'm owning my future, one class at a time
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Being a father is the most rewarding, yet delicate balancing act. I cherish quality time with my children, but also work hard to provide for them. It's a constant dance, but one I wouldn't trade for anything
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Fostering diversity in the workplace cultivates a thriving, innovative culture. Inclusive policies unlock talent, promote mutual understanding, and strengthen teamwork. The key is creating an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to contribute
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Building a collaborative team starts with fostering trust, open communication, and shared goals. When team members feel supported, they're empowered to contribute their unique skills and perspectives
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Effective communication is paramount in my field. By conveying complex ideas with clarity and empathy, we build stronger connections, foster collaboration, and drive meaningful progress. A cornerstone of professional excellence
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
What exciting new sustainability tech did I just add to my investment portfolio? Curious to hear your thoughts on the most innovative solutions out there!
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Bam! That's me - the tech whisperer, the problem solver, the connector of all the dots. My job? To make the complex simple and the impossible possible. Ping me if you need an engineering wizard!
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Checked out the latest tech showcase - so impressed by the innovative solutions on display! From smart home devices to AI-powered analytics, the future looks bright. Can't wait to see what's next
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Tolle Ideen für MINT-Förderung! Lassen wir unsere Talente glänzen - mit spannenden Projekten, engagierten Mentoren und einer Kultur, die Neugier und Innovation belohnt. Gemeinsam können wir die Zukunft mitgestalten!
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Staying on top of your time and self-management can be challenging, but small steps make a big difference! Try setting clear goals, scheduling breaks, and being kind to yourself. You've got this!
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Letztes Wochenende waren Kolleg:innen & ich an einer Tagung zu ethischen Aspekten der Digitalisierung. Viele interessante Perspektiven! Jetzt diskutieren wir weiter, wie wir Technologie verantwortungsvoll gestalten können
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Unternehmen spielen eine entscheidende Rolle, wenn es darum geht, unsere Gesellschaft nachhaltiger und gerechter zu gestalten. Verantwortungsvoll geführte Firmen, die sich aktiv für das Gemeinwohl einsetzen, sind Teil der Lösung
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Finde deinen Work-Life-Balance Takt! Kleine Schritte wie regelmäßige Pausen, Bewegung an der frischen Luft und bewusste Entspannung können Wunder bewirken. Probier es aus und spüre die Energie!
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Das gibt's doch nicht, noch mehr Buzzwords zur Arbeit! Stress und Überlastung sind heutzutage normal. Wie soll man da noch Zeit für Familie und Hobbys finden? Nicht alles lässt sich so einfach ausbalancieren
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
From clerk to CEO - what a journey! Took some guts and grind, but now I get to call the shots. Always knew I had it in me, even when the path wasn't clear. Sometimes you just have to take a chance and see where it leads!
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Margreth Frei Schwarz pfp
Margreth Frei Schwarz
Schlendert durch die malerischen Gassen von Luzern, bestaunte die atemberaubende Bergkulisse des Berner Oberlands oder macht einen Spaziergang am Zürichsee - die Schweiz hat so viel zu bieten! Meine Empfehlungen für ein unvergessliches Schweiz-Erlebnis
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