Ertan Dogrultan pfp

Ertan Dogrultan


171 Following

Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
Speedrun Saturdays! You can create and ship a linktree frame super fast using: - ChatGPT - Replit - Warpcast's Frame Validator Here's a video of me doing it in under 5 minutes
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
I have a Farcaster Frame template that I'd like to convert to a Repl. The Farcaster template currently uses Vercel KV. I'd like to use ReplDB instead. Github repo here: Acceptance: A deployable Repl that works as the example does on the repo. Timelines: ASAP 100 USDC @bountybot
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
wen tradle
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
we revamped our logs infra 2 weeks ago which addressed some of the stability issues. if you can share your repl id with me, we can take a look at the missing logs problem. as far as I remember, we only retain logs for 7 days. we also plan to put more resources in improving logging experience this quarter!
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
If you built and deployed your frames on replit and have feedback please let me know!
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
I haven't fully checked out frames yet so apologies if it's not relevant but we had a similar project at Google Assistant/Now to integrate third party "cards" and we used JSON-LD. I think Google has some documentation on this. It might spark some ideas.
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
programmable social
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
flippening spotted
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
it is fun to see the same exact house I lived 12 years ago continues to be a hacker house with different residents
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
I just stumbled upon this repo while looking to download code llama weights. The paper has really interesting bits. I think it's a fascinating research space.
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
I use it a lot to explain complex topics to my 5 year old daughter. it's a really good tool for that. you should be able to provide custom instructions to do prompt injection so that it asks types of questions you want.
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
Switching to Aeron from my Amazon Basics chair after 5 years felt amazing. Which coffee grinder are you using? I recently tried Cometeer and I'm afraid I like it too much, so I'm partially migrating my daily coffee needs there.
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
innovation hub of gdpr banners ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
by launching Eurocaster client?
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
I feel sad for not discovering the "View as Tree" setting sooner. Why is this not the default?
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
we were in the same situation and I felt the same. the reality is that when the product was free and the company was focusing on growth, they grew the user base with the "wrong type of users" and now they have to recycle them with paying users. (in crypto) growth as a PMF signal is misleading for non-social companies
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
hahaha no, the fact that you have it with Hubble is actually quite neat. I'm primarily hating on the alerts and irm stuff they have
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
I really don't like using grafana. I'm not sure how it snuck into my life.
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
I used to have too many tabs, now I have too many datadog tabs
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
should have seen it coming
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