Positioning on $XION + NFT mints • Visit: https://early.prometheansaga.com • You will require and invite code. Use “n9kXqC3M” • Complete Sign up and update profile Tasks 1. Check-in daily: —> earn 5 Karma Points 2. Bridge: 10$ USDC to XION —> 20 Karma Points 3. Stake: 5+ XION —> 5x Multiplier 4. Mint NFTS ( currently at 10 $USDC) —> More KARMA Direct Link to Bridge: http://app.squidrouter.com Mint some NFTs • Mint your first $XION NFT from the Blaise Syndicate collection —> • Cost: 1 $XION • 3 per account • TS: 56,400 • 6days left ⏰ Direct MINT link: https://xion.talis.art/launchpad/xion15pgxasptwpvxngpz03hajtr5lvvh4d6xc3jvqqm4tk9qz2frk2nqmya97j
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