⚠️potentially unpopular opinion⚠️ elites holding ‘luxury beliefs’ is nothing new, and is a necessary evil why? elites have the time, resources, and often, political power and means of persuasion to be able to effect outcomes their distance from direct social impact is a feature not a bug hear me out..
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look at the abolition of slavery the class of folks who had to be ‘convinced’ were those for whom slavery was an economic driver. eg those whose wealth & businesses were dependent on slavery benjamin franklin initially owned slaves (as did most of his class at the time) but later became an outspoken abolitionist
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as he became more wealthy, more intellectually evolved - having spent time living around enlightenment thinkers in the UK & france - he had the distance and the power - via his printing press & political affiliations - to catalyze change.
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the women’s suffrage movement was the same. two forceful figures in the US, susan b anthony and elizabeth stanton, were both from affluent families. they used their networks and their money to fight for women’s voting rights
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everything rob henderson is saying is true. folks do have beliefs because of their wealth & distance from said social issues/beliefs and time has also proven, that those with the luxury to have those beliefs, are powerful drivers of positive change for the many.
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does that mean that everything elites profess to be true or worthy of attention is actually worthy of attention? no, that is not what i am arguing. but what i *am* saying is that they are necessary
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