Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp

Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez


136 Following

Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
Feliz demais com o apoio que tenho recebido neste projeto. Comunidade artística brasileira forte e focada em construir conexões e cultura. Muito obrigado! Pré Venda disponível até o dia 18/05 🔥
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
Para quem não conhece, esse é o projeto Junho, um projeto literário Web3. Querendo conhecer deixo aqui o site. Muito obrigado! Abraços https://junho.xyz/
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
gm meus amigos Reta final da pré venda do meu livro. Com o objetivo de chegar em 50% p entrar na página da frente do Catarse Vou fazer uma promoção aqui Compre o livro simples R$55, avise aqui que comprou, e envio o livro autografado com NFT +poster da arte phygital do Lúcio Tamino https://www.catarse.me/junho
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
Que maravilha! Feliz demais que essa obra tenha encontrado boas mãos! Espero que goste da leitura! Essa semana ainda a certificação de autógrafo será mintada, certeza que será uma boa surpresa. Para quem quer comprar o livro com preço promocional, a pré-venda ainda está aberta! https://www.catarse.me/junho
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
In the midst of the Bull Market, one of the greatest opportunities in NFT Art is flying under the radar. This NFT book is a gem with significant advantages for holders! I'm very bullish on this project. https://app.manifold.xyz/c/junho%20
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
gm Estreando nesse canal 🔥 Com poesia NFT para começar o dia ☕ https://objkt.com/tokens/KT1L9pA91fCkmdgSYvGvzPXDUujnHMs5NY73/73
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
Post-technological poetry A glimpse of my obsession with physics. Minimalist geometric landscapes creating reflective scenarios In binary it is written: reality is light slowing down in matter 1/1 0.07 ETH Available on @foundation https://foundation.app/@EmanuelSouza/quantumpoetry/6
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
gm with poetry ☕ - The Intact Man - A poetic prose inspired by the poetry of the Brazilian poet Carlos Drummond. You can pause the video to read it. https://app.manifold.xyz/c/the-intact-man
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
Welcome @cozomomedici to farcaster 🔥
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
One last piece before wrapping up the year. An NFT to conclude a cycle and serve as the gateway to a new one. Laden with mystical energy, a poetic reference to the chakra that opens us to the infinite. Part of the Quantum Poetry collection. 1/1 Ajña https://foundation.app/@EmanuelSouza/quantumpoetry/11
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
Finally updated my username to my ENS domain 🔥
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
Minimalistic poetic scenarios, in binary code it is written: Reality is light slowing down in matter Part of the Quantum Poetry collection. 1/1 E = mc² https://foundation.app/@EmanuelSouza/quantumpoetry/6
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
gm with a haiku dawn's vastness a wintry word tender as solitude
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
What an excellent surprise! A lively movement of poetry happening here! It's heartening to see, certainly a place to be more present.
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
Sobre Transparência, Governos e Blockchains Como pensar usos práticos para blockchain na esfera centralizada? A falta de transparência das instituições políticas tradicionais em contraponto com a transparência inerente à blockchain. 👇 https://fxhash.xyz/article/sobre-transparencia-governos-e-blockchains
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
One of the consequences of Einstein's theory is the interchangeability of matter and light. In this sense, any body is a condensed form of light, existence is the deceleration of light into a material constitution. Lux Corpus Factus Sum https://foundation.app/@EmanuelSouza/quantumpoetry/8
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
Continuing this collection between the mystical and the scientific. New work 🧙‍♂️ Introducing the eighth piece of the Quantum Poetry collection. 1/1 on !3916 〰️ Factus 〰️
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
Continuing this series, exploring mystical philosophical relationships with physics Inspired by Einstein's famous equation Connecting soul and body, energy and matter, consciousness and collective unconscious 〰️ Life Equation 〰️ https://foundation.app/@EmanuelSouza/quantumpoetry/7
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Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez pfp
Emanuel Souza.eth/.tez
Every thing that is tends to an end, 1/1 0.07 $ETH Quantum Poetry Collection - Entropia - https://foundation.app/@EmanuelSouza/quantumpoetry/2
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