Good morning! ❄️ Today is December 22. 👍Do you buy stickers in Telegram? Yesterday, a platform (https://t.me/sticker_bot?start=_tgr_5QqJW3xkZThi) was launched inside Telegram, where you can buy various stickers for stars. A collection in collaboration with Bored Ape Yacht Club has already been presented. In the future, we will see joint collections with Pudgy Penguins, Notcoin and other top collections/projects. Follow the announcements in Telegram (https://t.me/sticker_community). 👍We are going through a new FCFS quest from t3rn (https://x.com/t3rn_io). To do this, go to Intract (https://quest.intract.io/quest/67503bda4ea15a5f8919e725?referralCode=T3xKTw&referralSource=QUEST_PAGE&referralLink=https%3A%2F%2Fquest.intract.io%2Fquest%2F67503bda4ea15a5f8919e725%3FreferralCode%3DnJ13my) and complete various tasks. The first 40,000 participants will receive 25 $BRN tokens, which can be converted into $TRN tokens at TGE. Hurry, there are ~5000 spots left.
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