Dr. Ejaz
Currently the best and only way to get some bulk MON tokens. Step 1 to interacting on the MONAD TestNet. MON MON MON 🟣 ▪︎ buy sepolia ETH - testnetbridge.com/sepolia [ I already had bulk sepolia Eth, I don't see the use of buying Test tokens but its just how badly you wanna test. Edge. You can get $2- $5 worth with either OP Eth or ARB Eth] ▪︎ bridge to Monad - testnet.orbiter.finance ▪︎ swap Mon ETH for MON testnet tokens - monad.ambient.finance/swap This last step, gives you MON and also leaves you 1+ TRXN on-chain. If you got a mobile, try changing to desktop view for the ETH to reflect among the assets. 🟣gmonad Bonus : like and rt this post and leave your Monad address in the comments would be rolling out some MON through @haha_app to get Karma points. There's love in sharing🙂↕️
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