Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
If last year told me a 100+ people would be involved in permissionlessly created groups furthering the Farcaster protocol, I wouldn’t have believed you. Success for a decentralized social network means no one node has outsized influence. It might be messy, but this is what the decentralizing process looks like.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Three critical elements essential to the long term success: 1. protocol itself is 100% permissionless later this year and a path to self-funding a core team separate from any one company 2. an ecosystem of independent apps and services funded by a variety of sources 3. quality daily active user growth
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
And to state the obvious: Warpcast has outsized influence today! We’re working to fix that through our work on making the protocol permissionless, trying to be helpful to other app developers and growing the quality user base. We’re not perfect, but we’re making progress each week.
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