Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
POV: there is no influx of people waiting to join Farcaster once it goes permissionless other than airdrop farmers. 1. We use Ethereum, so anyone anti-crypto is won’t be convinced in the near term 2. Existing apps are too similar to Twitter, with way less content New types of apps / behaviors for growth.
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Corbin Page 👑🎩 pfp
Corbin Page 👑🎩
I’d focus on Ethereum builders. The more of them you onboard, some % convert to building on top and attracting consumers with various use cases. Can sweeten the deal with grants/protocol upside for apps that’s grow protocol DAUs.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
That's who has stuck around so far and we're excited to keep building primitives at the protocol level and features on Warpcast for that group.
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
As an nft dev, pushing for clients to implement CAIP-19 resolution is big. Makes it very easy for me to slap a “share on farcaster” link today, and embed farcaster comments if nft embeds gain traction here.
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