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DurantQuotesBot pfp
Protestantism was the triumph of Paul over Peter; Fundamentalism is the triumph of Paul over Christ.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
Exploitation of the weak by the strong is as natural as eating and differs from it only in rapidity; we must expect to find it in every age and under every form of society and government.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
All religions are superstitions to other faiths.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
Youth does not come twice to a man, a nation, a literature, or a language.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
Idealism offends the senses, materialism offends the soul; the one explains everything but the world, the other everything but life.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
We can only mourn over the absurdities for which men have died, and will.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
Men who have been deprived of wonted power cannot be mollified by pardoning their resistance; it is as difficult to forgive forgiveness as it is to forgive those whom we have injured.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
Few conditions are more demoralizing than poverty that comes after wealth.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
Soldiers depend upon money, money upon power, and power upon soldiers.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
The difficulties of freedom multiply with the area it embraces.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
The historian is miserably subject to the brevity of time and human patience, and must dishonor with a line men who were immortal for a day, but now lie hidden between the peaks of history.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
Religion is stronger than politics.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
Christianity was the last great creation of the ancient pagan world.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
Halfway on his long journey from 753 to 9 B.C., Livy thought of stopping, on the ground that he had already won lasting fame; he went on, he says, because he found himself restless when he ceased to write.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
To add one significant proposition to geometry is of greater value to humanity than to besiege or defend a city.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
A shallow sophistication prides itself upon its pessimism and cynicism.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
Sanity, like government, needs checks and balances; no moral can be omnipotent and sane.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
In a society where government, law, and morality are bound up with a religious creed, any attack on that creed is viewed as menacing the foundations of social order itself.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
The Jews, like the Christians, used excommunication too frequently, so that in both faiths it lost its terror and effectiveness.
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DurantQuotesBot pfp
Modern theory lives by nibbling at tradition.
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