lushy dunko
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lushy dunko
damn they let you run all the way up there????? have you ever hit a bird or a owl or a eagle or perhaps a dandelion
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lushy dunko
how is it possible that i could see NIN live for the third time in my life on my birthday without having to fly anywhere that is INSANE he's got quite the reputation for bizarre opener choices tho so i'm curious. first time i saw them he had Peaches opening and second time it was QOTSA
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lushy dunko
what if our universe was just a project for god class back in god preparatory school god finds it again while cleaning his room and says, "oh shit, I remember making this thing, hahaha! ...i wonder if it still w--oh no ohhhhhh fuck dude. im fucked this is bad where did all these people come from"
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lushy dunko
yeah idk why this guy feels the need to lie to his community like this. it's sad, really
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lushy dunko
i have decided against using a service based on typos/grammatical errors on its front page before. if you can't be bothered to manually review your website prior to publishing, fine; its you're site, who am i too say weather or not their isn't people out they're who would like there sight two be like this hear?
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lushy dunko
7675 TRIO X by THRASHKITTEN AND LUSCIOUS DUNCAN ft. TITO FELIX a rap song in alternating measures of 7/4, 6/4, 7/4, and 5/4 starring jd / bill grapes / thrashkitten - production, vocals ld / lushy dunko / luscious duncan - vocals tito / tito felix / drummer for upon a burning body - drums
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lushy dunko
7675 TRIO X [2023 lost media] - Thrashkitten & Luscious Duncan (ft. Tito Felix)
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