🔮 Ace pfp
🔮 Ace
Your latest $0.02 on Remote vs In-Person? Working on a collection with thoughts from Elon Musk, @jc and others - Will update with your responses 🔥
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Julia Lipton 🔜 Farcon pfp
Julia Lipton 🔜 Farcon
I don't remember who tweeted it, but someone created a twitter poll that asked, "If you found out you had a competitor with exactly the same product, would you be more worried if they were all remote or all in person?" I didn't blink before voting for all in person. In the early days, it's key for pivots and speed.
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Julia Lipton 🔜 Farcon pfp
Julia Lipton 🔜 Farcon
This pains me because I've only worked remotely for 6 years and was an early believer in remote work. But after investing in 50+ early stage companies, it seems that early stage cos make decisions and ship faster IRL. Fully remote teams can't have the hard conversations and get team buy-in fast enough.
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Dulitha Wijewantha pfp
Dulitha Wijewantha
Agree on this. Core team meeting in person is quite important. But structuring teams is they key. The engineering team will find it crazy productive to be remote.
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Julia Lipton 🔜 Farcon pfp
Julia Lipton 🔜 Farcon
I agree with that too.
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