Lens Testnet First request test tokens. To do this, enter your wallet address and go through the labyrinth. Depending on the difficulty, the amount of test tokens you receive increases. https://testnet.lenscan.io/faucet Then go to the site, connect the wallet and switch the network to Lens Testnet. Then connect your Lens account, after which your reputation is calculated. Click “mint your reputation” and sign transactions: https://lensreputation.xyz Go to the site, connect your wallet, switch the network to Lens Testnet, click “Create”: https://lens-agora.vercel.app Come up with a collection name, symbol and description. Then upload a picture (you can generate it with AI). After filling in all the fields, click “Deploy Contract”: Here you can transfer Sepolia ETH to the Lens Network Sepolia. https://portal.testnet.lens.dev/bridge/ Getting Lens Roles https://guild.xyz/lens/smart-posts-open-actions
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