Any Casters actively involved in DAO governance, I’d value your $.02 on this passage from “Why Nations Fail.” How do you see rules upheld in a decentralized system?
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Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Disagree with this passage —very scarcity mindset. However what I do see happen is that if there is a leadership void in a DAO, something will fill it. But decentralized leadership does work. It just takes more effort.
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DuckTape 🎩
Do you have an good case study to learn from?
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Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Mostly basing on my experience in the nouns ecosystem.
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DuckTape 🎩
I’m honestly super curious if you don’t mind expanding on how leadership manifests in a decentralised setting and maybe what gives you faith it will continue this way or what is the steady state
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Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
For example— if I look at Nouns and who has influence within that DAO and its direction it tends to be 1) those who own or are delegated a significant number of tokens (10+) 2) the nounders 3) those w/high profile projects funded by the DAO 4) those willing to share their opinion openly & widely.
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Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
I see leadership in DAOs happen in one of two ways: 1) accumulation of governance power (tokens) 2) taking on leadership roles in the community or within projects for the DAO. (Including founders) Sometimes this is informal, and people fall into it as their influence grows.
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