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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
every day i wake up to dms, casts, and emails from creators and users asking for new features, questions, and suggestions for improvement. feels like drinking from a firehose sometimes, but really, i'm just so grateful that anyone cares enough to share their opinions and ideas. i appreciate every single one of you 🙏
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proxy ⚪️ studio pfp
proxy ⚪️ studio
hypersub is the most powerful tool for creators I've ever used in crypto also, product request: I got a lot of new subscribers between after I dropped a zora mint to subs, would be great to be able to drop to anyone who joined after (while the mint is still open) as simply as I did initially if that makes sense
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Danny pfp
The current drop util is a test, but it seems like people dig it. Having another entry-point to dropping, other than creating a hypersub drop seems like a good start. Will think about this. "Delta drops" have been on my mind.
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