GREAT🖤♱ pfp



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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
Continuation.... Slowly AI is being integrated to edit and create videos. Soon we'll start watching motion pictures that aren't directed by humans or even acted by humans ,we might start watching movies that are computer generated and not even know and the actors in the movie might even be computer generated. We're so glued to our devices that we don't even connect with the outside world for long ,who knows if AI creates computer generated celebrities and we actually think they're real cause we've never met them . Soon all that will be left of our reality would be virtual. Our "advancement" in technology might be our own destruction
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
Infact the topic of Artificial intelligence has been very concerning for me.. Most people phrase it as "AI" and forgets the meaning behind it "Artificial intelligence". Most people see it as an advanced search engine,but that's the problem,it's simply more than that. The goal of artificial intelligence is to create humanoid intelligence ( artificially) a brain that is not real but is similar to yours. An AI simply isn't to assist you ,it is also to replace you. The first evidence of this ,was when AI music started trending and with this we saw how powerful AI became. Where you can mimic an artist without knowing it's not the actual without being told. Do you know how scary and sad this is? Imagine musical artist we adore so much becomes so lazy to sing or write and just have AI do all the work and give it to their fans , and the fans have no idea this is a computer behind that voice. Such revealing facts breaks you down ,cause there's no authenticity in that , we want to hear an artist sing cause we l…
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
Babylon review: A satire and somewhat spoof of fun and chaos. Brilliant pictures with majestic actors set this film to be a long break of a director, bringing their drunk imagination to life Cinema at it's chaotic elegance, a nostalgia euphoria in the most cinematic way possible
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
so far this year has been great , there's been ups and downs, tears and laughter,wins and losses but overall it has been great. A lot of crazy things has happened, but how i stay unfazed is one amusing part to me. My composure and consistency has been an helping factor to survive. And how some dreams ended up being cut but still brought nothing but joy,i feel the universe communicates me everyday, but I only understand 1 out of 5 moments. I only need 1 out of 5 moments to make things great. I am Great
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
The grind gets harder each day but the results gives me more resting days
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
at the end of every road is a new begining
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
Another day to go harder
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
It's not a Sunday in a Nigerian home if we don't cook rice and stew, but nowadays I feel like we're not longer keeping the tradition. Well, I can't blame the people for declining in spirit,since the government are the one killing us with the high cost of living. Slowly , we're adapting a new tradition for Sundays in a Nigerian home // @benanchor @investorawesum
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
Since Notcoin launched,no tapping game/mini app has given back to the community. $DOGS came unique and didn't require tapping and rewarded the community good! Other copycats will arise to waste your time. Moral is to be smart and go for something unique
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
Always keep your positivity battery full, never go down to 43%
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
Who go help you no go stress you
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
The more you venture, the less you find
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
my Phaver points been stagnant
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
Currently searching for more
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
Always work smart , always take the short cut , the world wouldn't wait for you, this is not a race everyone would win,not everyone wins a race
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
Redemption is the key to freedom
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
keeping my sanity before web3 takes it
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
A good day to go hard
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
music is life
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GREAT🖤♱ pfp
a great day to make a million
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