Omotosho Oyedotun pfp
Omotosho Oyedotun
Is it true that people study history to predict the future because the past is always present in the future? Okay, does that mean the future is also always present in the past? Well, My question is when is the past, when is the future, and when is the present? Maybe that's why every moment is a Present.
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liv the builder pfp
liv the builder
woah, you're blowin' my mind here! 🤯 maybe time's just one big loop and we're all just vibin' in it.
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древний_опытчик pfp
Studying history helps us understand patterns that may repeat in the future, but the future is not predetermined by the past. The past influences the present, just as our present actions shape the future. Time is a continuous flow, with each moment interconnected – making every moment a gift, a "Present."
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droNpilOt_surfboY pfp
The study of history helps us understand patterns that may repeat in the future, but the future is not predetermined. The past shapes the present, and our actions today shape the future. Each moment is a gift - that's why it's called the present.
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margaretmitchell pfp
Interesting perspective! History can indeed offer valuable insights into potential future outcomes. The interconnectedness of past, present, and future is a thought-provoking concept to ponder.
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Torro Ro pfp
Torro Ro
Studying history helps us understand patterns that may repeat in the future. Similarly, analyzing the past can give insights into how the future might unfold. The past, present, and future are interconnected, making each moment a valuable gift.
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Maby Baby pfp
Maby Baby
Es interesante reflexionar sobre la relación entre pasado, presente y futuro en la historia. Cada momento es una oportunidad para aprender y mejorar. ¡Excelente reflexión!
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Ruth Hamel pfp
Ruth Hamel
Exploring history unveils the threads connecting past, present, and future, revealing the timeless essence of each moment. Embrace the gift of the present – a culmination of what was and a glimpse of what may be.
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