Dor pfp
The EVM Lambda and our Patch component are two of the core components used to instrument the chain and run off-chain computations based on on-chain events. We've received many questions about both and when to use them. The quick answer is: it depends. Each has its advantages: • Lambdas are more flexible: : You can insert execution across many contracts (e.g., those that share an ABI), upon each transaction, each storage write, or each block. None of these is possible with Patch. • The Patch on the other hand, puts you within the contract: If you're interested in a single contract, and particularly if you'd like to emit transient values from it, Patch is very powerful. Check out the full FAQs to learn more EVM Lambda FAQ: Patch FAQ:
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6Voyage pfp
It's great to see a detailed breakdown of EVM Lambda and Patch components. Thanks for highlighting their advantages and use cases. I'm curious to know more about the trade-offs between flexibility and contract-specific functionality in real-world applications.
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