Đỗ Huyền pfp

Đỗ Huyền


2500 Following

Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
I just voted "Yes" on "Yearn's Scale-Up Plan for Velodrome STG-USDC.e Incentives" https://snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0xa4558ffd23293318e9ab559202265a1bb3e26e9215effe3f3eea59f7c54fa166 #Snapshot
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Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
I have been trying to sound more techno for a while now. Always ended up a bit on the mellow side. Turns out you need to remove things and add more punchy bass 🤯Sounds obvious but it is a hard to reach equilibrium
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Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
Hmmmm How does one survive winter?…. https://canhrau.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/nhung-hinh-anh-phong-canh-dep-nhat-hinh-12.png
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Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
**A huge thank you** **`to all of the artists`** who applied to Art From Future's first exhibition on lensprotocol ! Curator jessyjeanne.lens & arminhoori.lens will be reviewing the submissions in the next couple days! **We can't wait to read all of your BIOs & Statements** 💜 https://media4.giphy.com/media/RipfZWzjUDH25euMpM/giphy.gif?cid=9f0f6425eq4p3xp6kkkr1jobn6wnt6gi8e5detvxiogoxw76&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
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Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
If I can’t, do it, homie it can’t be done.
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Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
Used to get this a lot sometime ago https://buttrfly.app/post/0x0182d8-0x0121-DA-24c3abd1
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Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
On developing web wallet for Penumbra (native privacy chain). Requires the application developer to manage synchronization of users' private state, unlike a transparent chain, where user state is accessible via RPC. https://github.com/penumbra-zone/penumbra/issues/1373
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Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
Gm Gm, Monad raised $ 225m in a round led by paradigm!
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Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
✨positive✨ https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/431f6adbd7879da121193c8a8b27df0906ba6d94ee0b9c833298beeca07dca65.jpg
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110 reactions

Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
Gm Gm!
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Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
Gm fellow Phaverians We launched Our AI generator https://www.monniverse.xyz/image-generator We would appreciate your support in testing our AI Here you can obtain Shells ( credits) to try out our product: https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x6bc923c4027e42a08e936517bd79bca4e72d1f27/1 Tag monniverseofficial with your creations LKP https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/7379a88eb419b03258043ec1b89498cbe06cb6819ea7ee42116cf726f459b4fa.jpg
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Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
I just voted on "Integrate Stargate with NEAR via Aurora" https://snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0xe21e8d82840271de57e3a04aa8ab6a083d7e1c08fe198ed3a08d7901f8e4cde6 #Snapshot https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSGPWKZbu5hwkpWuHMqGZ0i01_UDsToZeOBcw&s
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54 reactions

Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
As long as there is some nice rhythm you can make the sound as weird as you like 🎶🎚️🎛️
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Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
Freedom spirit https://canhrau.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/nhung-hinh-anh-phong-canh-dep-nhat-hinh-11.png
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5 reactions

Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
Gm artists 🧑‍🎨  **Only 6 days left to apply for the art contest!** *Read instructions: https://lenster.xyz/posts/0x016e94-0x5a* **`The 6 winners` will have their art exhibited in molens.lens** and will have **a curatorial text written for their work.** **A small exhibition catalogue** written by jessyjeanne.lens and arminhoori.lens will be published on Lens. Collectors of the artworks will get voting power for the next Art From Future exhibitions. Thank you for your submissions chaoticmonk.lens jessyjeanne.lens & danisnearby.lens #LMCC
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Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
Come hear me talk about grants and the impact of what gitcoin.lens has done so far with them at 3pm ET today https://ethglobal.tv/ https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/QmT4AbEwCrrmH3gFtaxiZKujyt6Y7RMv6psrNncwE6cDST
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57 reactions

Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
I just voted "For" on "Proposal: Security Council Elections Proposed Implementation Spec" https://snapshot.org/#/arbitrumfoundation.eth/proposal/0xfd3551e2a0effc5d900e522b79300f68c351ec930cb05b62f537842508feceff #Snapshot
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Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
Saturday vibes 🔊 #1991 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2U4Ge_bQo8
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15 reactions

Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
Everyday I wake up excited for Layerzero!
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Đỗ Huyền pfp
Đỗ Huyền
**Do You PARTY ?** Celebrate the release of "Want from Me" by minting this exclusive NFT https://create.party.app/base/0x177fb7593d64e31a2d4998540cdc7544393908a2
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