dmath pfp
For those using Obsidian, what value do you get from linking notes? Also, what does your workflow look like? I've recently moved the bulk of my notes to Obsidian but figure I'm not utilizing the app for its own strengths...or am I overthinking this? ๐Ÿค”
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Sanket Pathak pfp
Sanket Pathak
In the same boat. Fairly new to non-linear writing & come from a well-organised workspace ethic. I tried following the best practices as recommended by Andy Matuschak, Maggie Appleton, & a few more. But, I felt overwhelmed and frustrated. I gave up and simply decided to follow Todayโ€™s Note to type everything. 1/n
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Sanket Pathak pfp
Sanket Pathak
Over the last few months, I naturally started linking notes to the topic. Example, DesignOps is a central topic for my work and I consume bunch of resources around it. Eventually, I found more sub-categories like blog ideas, achievements, problems to tackle and potential solutions. 2/n
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Sanket Pathak pfp
Sanket Pathak
This linking helped a lot in finding this that I at times collected without thinking much. Say a quote or a suggestion from other DesignOps. If I hadnโ€™t linked, I may not have found this. Itโ€™s also immensely helpful to build cross-topic relations. I find ideas to implement from random topics and conversations 3/n
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Sanket Pathak pfp
Sanket Pathak
TL;DR Donโ€™t think much. Keep it simple. Keep writing. Link when you feel itโ€™s right (itโ€™s free; so be generous). Enjoy the eventual outcome you will build without realising. I donโ€™t think there is a right or wrong way to use Obsidian :) Hope it helps! ๐Ÿป 4/4
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dmath pfp
that is really interesting, I suppose I need to just find what works for myself, linking when it's right and see what happens from there...thanks for the insight here!
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Sanket Pathak pfp
Sanket Pathak
Welcome! To get over the FOMO of linking, I sometime re-read my note and add new links or connect to existing ones later on. Few obvious ones come naturally when you type. Rest can come to you when you post-read aka analyse your writing. Good luck! Eager to see how you build your system :)
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dmath pfp
๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™
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