Dinesh Raju pfp

Dinesh Raju


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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
it's crazy how doctors once treated patients without washing their hands but some day our descendants will wonder how we ever practiced "raw" democracy how we just voted based on what candidates said, with no personalized AI agent to clean our headsets https://dinesh.eth.limo/notes/headsets/
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
At a recent SG Farcaster meetup, I said it wouldn't surprise me if the global monetary policy mess we're in now needs a civil war to get sorted out @aviationdoctor.eth asked if I literally meant a civil war and I said yes Here's Ray Dalio in a piece from today
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
catching up on the latest crypto twitter drama be like
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
POV: grab driver not moving & doesn't reply to your message
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
https://x.com/VitalikButerin/status/1792793075007500350 I care about it
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
CT: crypto is useless also CT: why are the eth heads chatting on an app that uses crypto? they should stay on the one that doesn't https://x.com/CryptoDonAlt/status/1792149320159867368
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
"The discount rate is the foundation of all valuation & markets. If my discount rate is being warped by price insensitive buyers like the Federal Reserve with QE, it's really hard to derive signal. If I can't even get the discount rate right how can I get any other valuation right?" https://youtu.be/q8QhgE5icAQ?t=853
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
Spicy take from Paul Tudor Jones: "Elon Musk is probably one of the greatest human contributors since Einstein. But here's a guy who looks 1000 years in the future with space travel, but his governance goes actually back a thousand years. It's very tribal. It's all for me, you work for me, you do what I tell you."
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
a minimum viable plan for Fighting Chance https://dinesh.eth.limo/notes/plan-for-fighting-chance/ long-term project details subject to change will fill in the blanks as we go along
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
Financial nihilism and the crack-up boom https://warpcast.com/dinesh.eth/0xce6e03cf
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
Demetri Kofinas: In financial nihilism, capital allocation gets uncoupled from the needs of the underlying economy. This captures what we've been experiencing: the economy is increasingly not working for people even though the stock market is at all-time highs. https://youtu.be/G6HESVcM4Ic?t=258
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
This convo I had with @visakanv almost 2 years ago still gets referenced https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZO4xO45rCY
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
Excited to help fund SkillGarh, a training camp for outlier rural kids in India. Many of these kids don't grow up with the opportunity to aim high & reach for their ambition. SkillGarh wants to support & inspire them to change their trajectory
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
"When I go out & talk to people at rallies, the thing I find least appealing is certainty. People have no sense of there being a gray area or being unsure of how something should play out. It doesn't mean you shouldn't be strong in your convictions, but I think you need to leave space to be wrong and to be curious.
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
One lens to view the memecoin frenzy: In the late 18th century, France was heavily indebted and they solved it with money printing. At first, the money printing made everyone happy since everyone felt richer. But when did it over and over again, it didn't have the same impact and just caused inflation.
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
TIL Singapore has more tanks than the UK The UK has 10X the population, 300X the area and is the world's 6th largest defense spender Lee Kuan Yew: Big fish eat small fish; small fish eat shrimp. Singapore must be a poisonous shrimp in order to survive
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
Absolutely wild to me that formal study of cognitive biases started only 50 years ago So much of human experience is downstream of our biases. We teach kids years of math & english, but don’t say anything about the defects that come with their headsets We’ll look back at these times as our dark ages
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
Sad to hear of Daniel Kahneman's passing Jonas Salk, creator of the polio vaccine once said, "Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors" Kahneman will be remembered as a good ancestor To honor him would be to spread his ideas far & wide so that we all make better decisions
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Dinesh Raju pfp
Dinesh Raju
With US debt to gdp ratio making new records, you might be wondering when politicians start worrying. From Eric Leeper (advisor to the fed & central banks): When interest payments on the debt start to chew up a large fraction of federal spending, that's when it really bites the politicians & they pay attention.
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