David Furlong pfp
David Furlong
New farcaster protocol version just dropped. It's kinda cool. Previously you could only reply to content in the network. Now you can reply directly to: transactions on blockchains, NFTs or even locations. This unlocks some interesting new use cases and interactions 🔥
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vincent pfp
Wait, does this mean location won't be a Warpcast-specific feature? If so, will Hub have the same location format as the current Warpcast one (the one with ID string and a human-readable description)?
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David Furlong pfp
David Furlong
this is something different; it allows pointing at an arbitrary string based unique identifier for embeds and replies. You could construct a string like this for locations. Ex loc://3.8373,-1.8883 for coordinates or use what3words or another system
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vincent pfp
Ah, arbitrary strings that can be locations. Got it. New interesting primitives.
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