Deyee pfp
Experiences Somnia's "Shannon" testnet offers 1M+ TPS, sub-second finality, and low fees, enabling developers to build high-performance on-chain apps. 1. Add Testnet 2. Get STT Faucet 3. Send Tokens to Friends 4. Start building/ deployed a smart contract! ⛓ Complete HERE 📄 How to Deploy Your First Smart Contract to Somnia Network HERE - Deploy a Token on Somnia EVM⤵️ - Deploy With Remix⤵️ - Create a Token Click HERE - - Select "ERC20 - Name & Symbol - After That Click on "Open in Remix" - Click "Solidity Compile" - Click Compile [If the green tickmark appears then Your Compile Run successful] - Click Deploy | Injected Provider metamask - Click Deploy [enter address] & Run Transation - Metamask pop-up will appear to confirm the transaction Just approve it - When Complete Deploy > you’ll see your deployed contract
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