Vanessa Williams
I’m thinking of (re-)starting blogging. Unfortunately my interests are eclectic and people prefer focussed blogs. So I might have to try more than one. I thought WordPress was the obvious play, but there’s Substack and Paragraph, too! (I don’t like Medium, not sure why.) If you were starting a blog, what platform would you choose?
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dennis chilas
i would prefer a selfhosted system, i like to "own" my content, layout, functionality etc... i'm not really a wordpress fan but i like the low tech requirement... Lay theme is cool it has the gridder plugin included which allows easy layout grids... used it to "quickly" build my current portfolio... but wp is ~ ...
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Vanessa Williams
I already do self-host a Wordpress blog, though it’s been moribund for a few years now. I also liked to control everything & have my own web host and email server. But if I wanted to get the tiniest bit fancy, it would be too much of a pain in the behind.
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