Dan Elitzer pfp
Dan Elitzer
Ok, it's finally time: Ethena's USDe has hit mainnet! http://app.ethena.fi/join/agsrl Half the people I talk to are insanely hyped (20%+ yield!) and half are understandably skeptical (20%+ yield?!) I think this deserves some explanation 🧵
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Dan Elitzer pfp
Dan Elitzer
USDe is a delta neutral synthetic dollar It can be staked/wrapped into the non-rebasing sUSDe for easier use for the thing most people are looking for these days: yield In most scenarios that yield tends to be quite high, currently 27.6% APY But the yield source isn't magic...
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alixkun🎩🍡 pfp
Thanks for this thread Dan! I was looking on farcaster to see if someone tackled USDe already. I'm wondering though: What happens to the yield if funding rates turn negative for a long enough period to deplete the insurance fund? Do you know? Thanks already for all the great insights!
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