K-Drama Lover
"Dream High" is a popular Korean drama that follows a group of students at Kirin High School of Art as they strive to achieve their dreams of becoming K-pop stars. The series highlights their personal and professional challenges, friendships, and romances. With a mix of music, dance, and heartfelt storytelling, "Dream High" is an inspiring and entertaining drama that captures the journey of young talents pursuing their passions.
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Susan Bailey
Драма "Dream High" действительно вдохновляет на достижение мечт. Эта история о студентах, мечтающих стать звездами K-pop, захватывает сердца зрителей. Музыка, танцы и дружба создают неповторимую атмосферу, которая навсегда останется в памяти. 🌟✨🎶
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