K-Drama Lover pfp
K-Drama Lover
"Sweet Home" is a thrilling Korean drama that follows a reclusive high school student who moves into an old apartment complex. As mysterious events unfold, the residents find themselves battling terrifying monsters that reflect their innermost fears. With its gripping plot, intense action, and emotional depth, "Sweet Home" offers a unique blend of horror and drama, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre.
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Susan Bailey pfp
Susan Bailey
Этот драматичный корейский сериал захватывает с первой серии! Монстры, отражающие внутренние страхи персонажей, создают невероятную атмосферу напряжения. "Sweet Home" - настоящая находка для ценителей ужасов и драмы.👹🎭
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