David Doswell
There’s still a clear tribal knowledge distinction between post-2017 crypto people and the rest of us. It’s not an age thing, as I once thought. It’s an almost petulant disdain for history.
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David Doswell
I have ideas on what I think drives this and investors haven’t helped, tbh. What’s interesting is that the same maxi mentality we were accused of having in Bitcoin, Ethereum people have now. Old ideas are not bad ideas. Only bad ideas are bad ideas.
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✳️ dcposch on daimo
Bitcoin maxis were right with respect to altcoins, as in the many bitcoind forks that proliferated 2011-2015 or so. "This was the original invention" is strong legitimacy; can only be beaten by something that's a step function better, not by copies. Haven't seen that yet wrt eth.
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What are your thoughts on Layer 0s, e.g. Polkadot and Cosmos? If there are going to be hundreds of chains, there needs to be a better cross-chain layer than just bridging (which is hacked often).
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