polynya pfp
By now I'm sure many of you are tired of hearing me moan about how this industry is obsessed with blind hopium, especially around infra tokens, while completely neglecting what actually matters and reality So might as well just say my piece https://polynya.mirror.xyz/e54yv9c2im2Fy72jxbA2qKfCvWxjAaMnQUbp5YDqaEY
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
Perfect summary. For #1. I’m optimistic eth will win as SoV, especially once monetary policy ossifies. Eg, modulate issuance to target 20% of ether staked. The core economics are just so much better. May take a while but sustainability eventually translates into legitimacy.
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
For #2 , I think beating Tron on non speculative real world use is the most important thing we could be doing. I’m working on one piece of that.
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