If small funds want to turn around, they often need to increase their positions after seeing the right opportunity. However, most people only have the ability to make small funds smaller, mainly because the mentality of getting rich overnight affects their judgment in all aspects. In fact, it is better to earn the benefits brought by the trend.
Take the US stock market as an example. Take the Nasdaq index fund. There will be several cases of falling below EMA100 every year, and after each fall, it will eventually return to above EMA20. So, we might as well wait for these opportunities. Repeating such transactions three or four times a year can almost double the funds.
Like me, I don’t look at any individual stocks, but only focus on the three major indexes of S&P 500, Dow Jones and Nasdaq. I buy whichever index falls below EMA100, and sell whichever index returns to EMA20. These three indexes have about ten opportunities a year. 0 reply
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