polynya pfp
By now I'm sure many of you are tired of hearing me moan about how this industry is obsessed with blind hopium, especially around infra tokens, while completely neglecting what actually matters and reality So might as well just say my piece https://polynya.mirror.xyz/e54yv9c2im2Fy72jxbA2qKfCvWxjAaMnQUbp5YDqaEY
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Dan Tehrani pfp
Dan Tehrani
What do you think will enable capital to move from infra to apps? Is it the realization that even though there are still experiments to run (new DA layers, new state model, etc) we have enough infra so capital can move to the app layer? Or do you think there are still unsolved technical barriers?
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polynya pfp
Just assessing the reality of the situation - we have countless L1s and L2s which are barely utilized, and we have to do our best to fill them There are still infra experiments to run, sure, but that cannot be the >90% focus. I'm looking for a better balance, that's all.
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