Dan pfp



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Dan pfp
Right now the state root forces this anyway, but I was sort of hoping that could change https://x.com/danrobinson/status/1768705246912721359
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Dan pfp
I'm really glad EIP-3074 supports native ETH transfers but it does seem spooky The mempool DOS attack discussed in the EIP isn't really my primary worry My worry is that it means block builders can't be "dumb"; they MUST execute all transactions to know if they're all valid
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Dan pfp
EIP-3074 might be the highest-impact EVM change ever Most visible impact will be on wallets, but it's going to completely change smart contract design patterns too
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Dan pfp
One other extremely important property is the enshrined bridge from Ethereum, which means that Ethereum is "subjectively sovereign" w/r/t its L2s Among other things the L2s have to respect Ethereum hard forks
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Dan pfp
My guess is that the most important thing is ETH as "money," that ETH as gas token is one factor that is upstream of ETH as money, and that ETH DA is upstream of ETH as gas token
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Dan pfp
If someone criticizes you stupidly and you respond generously and politely you can sometimes make an ally for life
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Dan pfp
Stating a public opinion on memecoins without it sounding cringe is close to impossible
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gakonst pfp
Introducing Frog 🐸 – A *Frame*work for Farcaster. Frog is an open-source framework for Farcaster developers to build high quality, performant, & lightweight Frames in just a few blocks of code. Built as part of the @wevm x @paradigm collab. Read on! https://frog.fm
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