Dankrad Feist pfp

Dankrad Feist


74 Following

Dankrad Feist pfp
Dankrad Feist
"Stakers don't care about real yield, they only look at nominal yields" Why don't we all stake with Celestia and Polkadot then?
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Dankrad Feist pfp
Dankrad Feist
Amazing work on shipping Dencun! Can't believe how smooth it went. Great work by all Ethereum client teams!
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Dankrad Feist pfp
Dankrad Feist
I wrote a new blog post explaining how RAI works, from the perspective of supply and demand for stablecoins: https://dankradfeist.de/ethereum/2023/01/31/rai-crypto-experiment.html
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Dankrad Feist pfp
Dankrad Feist
Ethereum research will host a reddit AMA on Jan 11 at 1pm UTC https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/107cqi8/ama_we_are_ef_research_pt_9_11_january_2023/
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Dankrad Feist pfp
Dankrad Feist
Testing testing 123
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