Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
SayMore + FarCon Essay Contest results are in! Congrats to... @adrienne with her essay on "The Power of Scenius" for winning the "Best Overall" prize of 0.5 ETH! @m-j-r.eth for winning "Boldest Essay" @bli for winning "Best DAO Essay" and to @j4ck.eth, @kenergy.eth, and @alditrus as "Honorable Mentions"! (Links in thread)
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Danica Swanson pfp
Danica Swanson
Congrats everyone! Well deserved on all counts!
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Danica Swanson pfp
Danica Swanson
I think of this essay contest as a form of “scenius labor,” as it tapped into collective intelligence (i.e., the FC scenius) to help us find talented writers whose work might otherwise have escaped our attention. So much excellent work gets buried every day; this helped some of it get seen. Nice work, everyone.
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