Danica Swanson pfp
Danica Swanson
I've mentioned this in DCs, but for anyone who's curious: much as I love FC, I won't be at Farcon. I'm extremely introverted & easily overstimulated, so I wouldn't function well in that sort of environment. But I love watching and cheering from a distance, so you may see lots of likes from me on your casts this week.
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ivc.lol pfp
I resonate with this so I turned this cast into a song. @castvivaldi dev work slowed as im down with fever
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Danica Swanson pfp
Danica Swanson
Haha! Well, that was more amusing than I expected. 😄 Had no idea this cast would be so relatable. Didn't even cast it into a channel; I just wrote it as a quick thing on my timeline before going to sleep, then woke up to 40 likes and a song generated from my cast... lol.
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