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Hi!! I just tried to answer a question from @lens/definn on the hackathon’s Telegram channel, then my post got deleted and now I think I’m banned/can’t post again Is it because I shared a screenshot? Here’s the screenshot I shared. All I wanted was to ask Definn’s question about how to connect to Lens Tesnet when wagmi doesn’t really include Lenst Testnet Network on their `wagmi/chains` package. Is it not allowed to share screenshots on telegram? Is my answer wrong? Apologies if I did something wrong, but just curious: I’d love to know if my solution is bad, and keep learning 😊 https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/8d1d748778fd3ae8c14a402d60fd4856132a10d18739b4be2e70ff04af90dff8.jpg
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