Dai Hovey pfp

Dai Hovey


92 Following

Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
ChatGPT performance review as a service
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
Hide my email is a great Apple feature. But now I want hide my phone number. Then hide my name and address and dob.
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
Apple’s formalised NFT policy has sadly formalised that innovation in web3 will continue in the browser.
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
LA people this looks fun https://leavingrecords.com/listen-to-music-outside-in-the-daylight-under-a-tree
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
GTA’s soft-power is musically educating a generation https://youtu.be/L6VtOjkWeR8
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
@daylight is a great and necessary product - nudging me about wallet hygiene and missed DAO votes is super useful https://i.imgur.com/MpcOHJT.jpg
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
Anyone able to view the $COIN doco outside of US? Unsure why it’s unavailable in Aus When IPFS link?
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
Hasn’t this always been the case? What’s the new news here? https://twitter.com/aidanfitzryan/status/1573303748998451201?s=46&t=E3j8moxWE77QuHYle7QeIg
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
TIL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dishwasher_salmon
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
Meat smoke in the rain to mourn queen Liz w/ @ethandaya https://i.imgur.com/xhn1lbu.jpg
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
@dwr.eth is there a way to see all my liked casts?
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
CC0 art from CJ Hendry Prints available to buy tomorrow https://cjhendrystudio.com https://i.imgur.com/pLj4nHq.jpg
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
Who’s livecasting The Merge?
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
While not being a monarchist, I do enjoy the ancient pomp, like when the new King of England visits Parliament they search for explosives in the cellars under the Houses of Parliament (since Guy Fawkes plotted to blow them up in 1605) They also take a MP hostage as insurance.
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
First chance in a while to catchup on some reading. Not sure where to begin. Maybe just start at the top. https://i.imgur.com/f8QEElk.jpg
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
Anyone running an ETH validator node on a Mac? Or know anyone that has? I want to start staking but stubbornly can’t bring myself to buy a PC. I can’t be the only one.
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
Anyone got the Etherscan link to the VMADAO votes? https://twitter.com/mtvnews/status/1564031771821457409
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
Manifesting a Teenage Engineering Ethereum staking node.
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Dai Hovey pfp
Dai Hovey
Blast from the past https://i.imgur.com/GuFVeW5.jpg
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