CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp



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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
🔵Based Acts of Kindness🔵 🤝15 - 16 - 24🤝 Flipping the script! Nominate someone for a kind act that they did and share why. My full allowance is going to the nominator and nominee that shares a random act of kindness Being kind is FRESH.
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
This debate has already happened and it has been settled. Wheels win.
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
How many doors do you see here? 💀Fatality 🕹️Game over 🥇Wheels win
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
The real question is are there more wheels or people in the world? Wheels are superior in all aspects.
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
If those all had only 2 gears on them that would be 4billion wheels alone. That’s just bicycles… The door mind can not think in these terms.
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
GM Replyors Sneaking up on the weekend like a ninja. Concept art by me
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
@chillyazz.eth idea becomes rough concept.
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
🔵Based Acts of Kindness🔵 🧃5 - 15 - 24🧃 Did you do a random act of kindness today, share it! My full allowance is going to someone that shares a random act of kindness they did today. Remember it doesn’t have to be something grandiose, it could be as simple as helping an old lady across the street.
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
I can’t mess with you doors peeps anymore. I messed around and contracted Doorona Virus.
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
This family knew about the purple app way before anyone else. OGs that went FARTHER.
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
To boldly go where no man has gone before…. FARTHER
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
GM! Happy Hump Day! Officially down hill after today. Don’t forget to hydrate and stay fresh out there.
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
GN Replyguys and fellow degenizens. Sleep well. Hydrate and moisturize. Stay fresh homies!
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
After careful consideration I have chosen @laursa.eth for this edition of Based Acts of Kindness.👏🏻🎉 Helping others go after a dream that you had can be tough but also a chance to live out those dreams through another. The last line “she’s calling me sis now” was golden! Thank you to all who shared!
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
Heading to gym will do this in a bit. If you have something to share that would be awesome. Have a great night replyguys!
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
Battle lines have been drawn. I implore you to rise up and attack north. They have won for far too long, this is the beginning of the south’s military dominance. Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war.
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
@jabberwakki.eth !attack north
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
🥁Based Acts of Kindness🥁 🔵5 - 14 - 24🔵 If you did something nice for someone today share it! My full allowance will be awarded to someone that shares a random act of kindness they did today. It could be as simple as holding the door for an elderly woman or paying for the person behind you at the drive in
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
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CYBER🎩🍖🧠🛞 pfp
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