Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp

Ray F. 🦊🎩


670 Following

Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
And we are still so early. Frame by @tom-major
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Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Si esto no existiera, aun así estarían en Farcaster?
10 replies
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Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Day 9 of asking when $DEGEN will be listed on Binance.
3 replies
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17 reactions

Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
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Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Patiently waiting 👀
1 reply
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Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Día 2 de estar pintando la casa (techo incluido). Me siento como Quagmire
3 replies
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Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Day 8 of asking when $DEGEN will be listed on Binance.
8 replies
5 recasts
42 reactions

Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Should I do it?
5 replies
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8 reactions

Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Vamos en vivo por /unlonely https://www.unlonely.app/channels/bnfarcaster
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Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Ayer me fui a domir sin dar tips a nadie, se fueron como 4K ahí 🤣😭 Hoy les voy a dar tips a quienes se conecten al Live de /bnfarcaster a las 7pm EST. De igual manera voy a crear varios bounties en /poidh y para quienes se conecten lo puedan reclamar y ganarse unos $Degen directamente a sus wallets.
19 replies
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24 reactions

Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Day 7 of asking when $DEGEN will be listed on Binance.
9 replies
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26 reactions

Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
So tired rn, spent the day painting the apartment. Haven't check anything here today and it feels like I'm missing 9837323 things.
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Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Hola gente como andan por acá? Voy a estar repartiendo tips a los que voten con "🚀" en dexscreener por el token de $PROXY. Comentar en el cast de abajo con la foto 👇 para poder repartir los tips. https://warpcast.com/cryptowenmoon.eth/0xedef7903
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Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Helped $PROXY with tracking on DeBank and Rabby wallet with this vote proposal. https://debank.com/proposal/69379 ✅ Received the airdrop and bought $PROXY after launch ✅ Now we support $PROXY with voting on Dexscreener: Vote 🚀 and comment with a picture.
5 replies
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11 reactions

Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Day 6 of asking when $DEGEN will be listed on Binance.
7 replies
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25 reactions

Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Ayer les comentaba de este airdrop. Presten atención y saquen sus conclusiones. /proxyswap es un fork de Uniswap V3 en la red de Degen. Desde el momento que compartí la información hasta ahora el token $PROXY hizo mas de 2X.
1 reply
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5 reactions

Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
0 reply
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Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Day 5 of asking when $DEGEN will be listed on Binance.
9 replies
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22 reactions

Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Debo confesar que hasta el día de hoy pensaba que @tomik8 y @tomasmika eran la misma persona.
4 replies
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4 reactions

Ray F. 🦊🎩 pfp
Ray F. 🦊🎩
Are we alone in the universe, or is there intelligent life out there?
2 replies
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6 reactions