Nodepay 👉Go to: ➖Click "Connect Wallet" ➖Select the wallet you linked to your Nodepay account ➖Confirm the message in your wallet by clicking "Connect" ➖Select Claim your allocation on-chain ➖Agree to the Terms and Conditions ➖Click "Claim Your Tokens" (Claim Tomorrow) ➖Sign the transaction in your wallet by clicking "Confirm" ➖Your tokens will be deposited directly into your wallet. ➖Ensure you have at least 0.02 SOL + Gas in your wallet to cover transaction fees ✍️Note: ➖You’ll need at least 0.02 SOL + Gas in your wallet to cover transaction fees and ensure the claim process completes smoothly. ➖We will NOT deduct the 0.02 SOL. This is just the minimum threshold required to prevent transactions from failing
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